Experience London
While we're not issuing new Experience London Passes in 2025, we encourage current pass holders to make the most of their exclusive benefits this year!
The London Heritage Council proudly presents Experience London. A program that allows Newcomers to Canada, who reside in London, to explore their new home through the bountiful heritage sector here in the Forest City. Using a FREE pass, family members can visit the many museums and heritage sites in London.
Who Qualify for This Program?
Do you live in London?
Have you been in Canada for 5 years or less?
[Permanent Residents, Refugee Claimants, Work Permit Holders, International Students]
If the answer is yes …
Visit any of these sites to pick up your pass:
London Cross Cultural Learner Centre
South London Neighbourhood Resource Centre
North West London Neighbourhood Resource Centre
LUSO Community Services
*Please take a government issued I.D. (passport, driver’s license, PR card, Ontario photo card) and proof of London residency document (utility bill, lease agreement, driver’s license, London Public Library card) with you.
What is Received?
Qualifying families receive a pocket-sized pass. The pass is approximately the size of a library card or transit card. The pass grants access to the pass-holder and members of his/her household. Each pass is valid for one year from the date it is issued, and families can use them at any time throughout the year to visit the sites below. There are no restrictions on the number of times families can visit the participating sites. Visit as many times as you like!
Sample Experience London Pass
Participating Locations
Frequently Asked Questions
If I lose my pass, what should I do?
Contact the settlement office that issued the card to report the loss, and find out next steps.
What is a valid pass?
A pass is only valid if all four fields on at the back have been completed.
Can I get the pass online?
Where else can I get my pass?
Passes are only available through the four settlement agencies listed above.
What if the pass-holder can’t visit the sites with the family?
Another adult (member of the same household) must bring the pass and the pass-holder’s I.D. with them to the sites.