Board & Committee




The London Heritage Council needs committed, innovative thinkers! We are recruiting new members for our Board of Directors and Committees. Our recruitment embraces diversity and inclusivity in ethnicity, race, culture, gender, and age as well as expertise. This is a volunteer position that runs for a two-year term and there is the possibility of renewal. There are four meetings annually which members must attend during each quarter, as well as the Annual General Meeting.

LHC is searching for people interested in the non-profit sector, and the development and support of cultural heritage in London.

To apply, please attach a current résumé and a short statement explaining why you would like to volunteer for London Heritage Council at this link.

Please read the following requirements:



Established in 2007, the London Heritage Council is dedicated to engaging the public and heritage sector through inclusive consultation on community programming, sustainability, networking opportunities, collaborative partnerships, diversity, and innovation. LHC collaborates with a membership of over 500 organizations and cultural heritage collectives within the City of London and region.


To bring Londoners together to celebrate our shared stories.


To serve as a dynamic catalyst dedicated to advocacy and outreach, continually innovating to foster deeper connections between Londoners and their rich heritage.


Demonstrate Leadership in Cultural Heritage | Embrace Inclusivity | Engage Diversity | Expand Knowledge | Encourage Innovation | Act as a Catalyst


Main responsibilities of the LHC Board:

Stewardship: Active oversight of governance

Develop operational policies which are implemented by staff, hire, and oversee the Executive Director

Fiduciary responsibility

General responsibilities of Board members to ensure a well-functioning organization:

A willingness and commitment to get to know the organization and the environment in which it operates. Promote the organization and what it stands for.

Regular attendance at meetings. Adequate preparation for meetings.

Full participation in the governance process: participation in full discussion and in decision making. This includes respect for confidentiality and recognition of any potential conflict of interest.

A commitment to teamwork.

A commitment to speak with one voice once consensus is reached.

A collective commitment to Board self-evaluation. Support for the Executive Director.

Standing Committees:

The London Heritage Council’s Board has four standing committees: Executive, Finance, Governance and Nominating, and CHIP Review Panel.

Executive: The Executive Committee consists of the Chair, Vice-Chair(s), Past-Chair, Secretary, Executive Director, and Treasurer of the Corporation, together with any other Officers or Directors as the Board may appoint.

The Executive Committee shall:

Carry out the duties and responsibilities of the Board in emergency situations; Support the Executive Director on an on-going basis; and

Evaluate the performance of the Executive Director and carry out contractual negotiations with the Executive Director.

Finance: With the Treasurer, this committee ensures the care and custody of all the funds and securities of the LHC. It meets quarterly, or as needed, with the Executive Director to review reports and plan budgets. This committee also reports quarterly to the LHC Board.

Governance and Nominating: This committee periodically measures and reviews the Board’s performance and progress. It strives to improve governance policies and practices and conduct formal assessments and self-evaluations from time to time, including that of the Board itself and of the Executive Director.

CHIP Review Panel: As stated in the City of London “Appendix to Capital Grants and Capital Grants Policy”; Applications will be reviewed and administered, in a city-wide context, by a peer assessment group. This group, the London Heritage Council, will form a “Heritage Granting Jury” whose members will be representative of heritage, cultural, business, and general community.

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